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Acidity Solution



No Artifical


Sooth your liver & gut
the natural way
A powerful tiny solutionfor gastric reflux.

Bhumi Amla


Arand Patra

Arka Patra

Shubhra Bhsama


Yakru pilhari

Arogyavardhini Vati
All Ingredients
- Bhuiamla
- Arandpatra Ghansatva
- Arkpatra Ghansatva
- Subhra Bhasma
- Navsar
- Aarogyavardhini Vati
- Yakrit plihari
- Punarnava Mandoor

What causes
Liver Problems?
combined to make one powerful capsule that balances your body’s pitta dosha.
One Liverjoy Capsule a day can keep your liver problems at bay and flush out the toxins on a daily basis. It is made from natural, Ayurvedic ingredients handpicked by our team and packed in a powerful, easy-to-consume, capsule.
Poor lifestyle choices like bad diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, etc. may lead to fatty liver disease, ulcers due to excessive gastric acid, hepatitis, jaundice, and many others.
Liverjoy Capsule helps repair the liver and bring it back to normal functioning, so you can go through your life without any hurdles.
How it works
Sushen Herbal’s Liverjoy Capsule helps manage your body’s liver disorders by balancing the pitta and reducing the gastric acid. It contains natural Ayurvedic herbs which work together to balance your body’s pitta and make sure that it doesn’t increase in the future.

Arogyavardhini Vati and Erand Patra
With potent anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. Effective solution for liver problems like hepatitis, jaundice and hepatic steatosis (fatty liver).
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Bhumi Amla & Ark Patra
They are hepatoprotective in nature, containing antioxidant & antiviral properties. Help get rid of any existing liver problems.
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Punarnava Mandoor
Helps increase blood count, improve blood quality, and remove toxins from the body.
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Shubhra Bhasma
Purifies blood, treats skin diseases & balances pitta.
Read MoreBenefits of Liverjoy Capsule
Recommended Dosage

- Adults can consume 2 capsules a day with milk or water.
- Best results when used with Liverjoy Syrup.
- Continue dosage for minimum 3 months to see results.
Our Promise For Your Healthy,
Longer and Happy Life !!
Time tested ayurvedic remedies.