Lower Back Pain and Sciatica-Causes and Remedies

Lower Back Pain and Sciatica-Causes and Remedies

on January 29, 2022

Back pain is the number one cause of disability worldwide. The statistics are simply staggering, with 10 out of 100 people suffering from chronic back pains at any given time. Recurring lower back pain can keep sufferers from performing even day-to-day activities.

Sciatica is another common and often extremely painful disorder that affects a nerve root, or roots, of one or both legs. It occurs when the nerve root is compressed by a herniated intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine or is compressed by any other structure such as a bone or a tumor outside the spinal column. Sciatica patients suffer leg pain along with lower back pain.
If you are one of the millions who suffer from chronic or recurring lower back pains or sciatica pain, then this article is for you. Read on to understand  the major causes of lower back pain and sciatica; some simple exercises, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies of lower back pain and sciatica.

Major Causes of Lower Back Pain

Several cases of lower back pain are the result of a sudden, traumatic event. In some cases, however, lower back pain can be caused by factors that have been building up over a long period of time. Here are some of the most common causes of lower back pain that are often overlooked by medical professionals and patients alike:

Bad Posture

Bad posture is a cause of lower back pain (Image - a woman sitting and reading a book)


Bad posture, such as having too much weight on one side of the body or carrying heavy objects around incorrectly, can be a cause of lower back pain. If you spend a lot of your day bent over your computer or simply picking up your kids all day long, you will be putting an enormous amount of stress on your back.

Sitting for Long Periods of Time

Lower back pain is three times more likely to occur in people who work at a desk job where they are sedentary throughout the day. Be mindful to take frequent breaks during the workday to stretch or even take a short walk.

Lack of Exercise

When someone is suffering from lower back pain, they tend to be less active as it can be very painful for them to move around. This will cause their muscles and joints to stiffen up over time which only makes the problem worse. If you cannot exercise due to your back pain, try some gentle stretching routines which might be easier on your body.


dehydration is a major cause of lower back pain and sciatica ( image - a glass of water with sliced lemon in it)


It is easy to forget about drinking enough water throughout the day when you are busy with work and household chores, but staying hydrated is very important. Staying well-hydrated will not only keep your muscles in good shape but will also keep your joints lubricated and the discs in your back well-nourished.


Even if you are not suffering from lower back pain right now, you might be unknowingly causing yourself a great deal of future problems due to stress and tension. Stress can make your muscles contract which can put pressure on your nerves and result in pain. Make sure you take the time to relax every day even if it is just for a couple of minutes, as this will allow your muscles to stretch out and relieve any tension or stress build-up.
If you have been suffering from lower back pain for a long time and none of these potential causes seem to apply, it might be time to see a doctor as you might need an X-ray or another medical examination.

Home Remedies for Lower Back Pain

Here are some remedies for lower back pain that can be done at home:
First of all, you should always try to maintain a good posture. This means that you have to sit upright and keep your back straight at all times.
The moment you feel tired, it is best to take a break so that your muscles will not get strained and cause back pain.
Another thing that you have to do is to exercise your back muscles. You can do this by stretching exercises and certain yoga postures especially meant for lower back pain. Don't try to do too much in one go because this could result in further injury. Learning them from a professional is a good idea as doing them incorrectly can worsen the issue.

Exercising your back can help relive back pain and sciatica ( Image - A women doing upper body streching workout)

There are also various kinds of massage techniques that can be used for relieving stiffness and pain in the back region. You can hire a professional masseuse and get a massage every day because it has the potential of curing various kinds of diseases and aches in the back region.
Of course, it is also important that you get plenty of sleep at night. You might even want to make use of some pillows that are made specifically for alleviating pain in the back region while you sleep.
Avoid smoking at all costs. Not only does it have an adverse effect on your health, but it can also worsen any pain that you are suffering from. Smoking cigarettes is one of the most common causes of pain in the back region.
Alternative medicine such as Ayurveda has some very good treatment options for relieving lower back pain and sciatica. Learn about it in more detail below.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

Modern medicine usually treats lower back pain and sciatica with pain killers, rest, or surgery. Long-term usage of pain killers has several side effects such as gastric, ulcers, etc. and people tend to avoid surgery as much as possible because of the risks associated with it. Thus, more and more people are turning toward Ayurveda for the treatment of chronic back pain and sciatica as it promises great results without side effects.

In Ayurveda lumbar region or the lower back has its own place in the diagnosis of diseases, treatment of which is described elaborately particularly in Charaka Samhita.

Below are some of the herbs that have tried and tested for treating back pain and sciatica.

Parijat Pushp

Parijat pushp has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help in relieving pain associated with sciatica, back pains, and arthritic pains.

Godanti Bhasma

Godanti bhasma is made from Gypsum and is a rich source of calcium. It supplements calcium, makes the bones strong, and relieves osteoporosis and backache problems.

Yogaraja Guggulu

Yogaraja guggulu has been widely prescribed for disc prolapse treatment as it does have some cell and disc regeneration properties. It balances the Vata dosha from joints and muscles and acts as a pain reliever for coccyx pain, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pains, and back pains.

Ekangveer Ras

Ekangveer ras is a natural source of calcium and minerals that nourishes the bones and nerves and provide relief from the pain. It improves movement and also stimulates the nerves.

Vat Gajankush Ras

It is hot in nature that helps in balancing the Vata and Kapha doshas. It has excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and is also known to relieve the stiffness of joints and muscles. It strengthens the bones and joints and is widely used in Ayurveda for slipped disc, ankle pain, back spasm and pain, coccyx pain, etc.

Don’t let yourself get crippled by your lower back pain. Consult an Ayurvedic physician and give Ayurveda a chance to help you with your lower back pain and sciatica before undergoing any serious interventions like surgery. You will find innumerable examples where patients had tried all kinds of treatments in vain and were advised surgery but ultimately got relief with the use of Ayurvedic herbs. Healthy lifestyle changes along with the goodness of herbs will surely help you regain your agility once again!


Is Ayurveda effective for the treatment of chronic lower back pain and sciatica?

Yes, Ayurveda has a treasure of some very potent herbs that have been used for ages to relieve back pain, sciatica, joint pains, arthritic pains, etc. and an increasing number of people from all segments of society are turning towards Ayurveda to get respite from chronic pains.

What is the difference between allopathic and ayurvedic treatments for back pain?

Allopathy treatment provides symptom relief through pain killers, and in severe cases, advises surgical intervention. Both of these approaches have significant side effects. On contrary, Ayurveda addresses the root cause of the problem and so takes some time to bring about a noticeable relief in symptoms, but has a very good safety profile.

How can we manage back pain at home?

Back pain can be managed on your own to a great extent by adopting the right posture, regularly practicing stretching and yoga, massage, good hydration, enough sleep, and reducing stress and anxiety.

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